EXO's producers, S.M. Entertainment, who were famous for producing the 'best of the best' artists, were more ambitious with EXO's outcome - believing they have the potential and charisma. Subsequently, EXO released a 'head-line grabbing', I quote, album 'EXODUS' in 2014 where they became a hot issue in the media for their début songs 'MAMA' and 'WOLF'.
EXO's fan service lived up to its reputation where they came up with logos for themselves to be recognised around Asia and of course - the world. They had smartly thought of naming their fans EXO-L where their logic was more pure than EXOTICS.
EXO-K(oreans) + EXO-M(andarin) = EXO-L(ove).
As the letter 'L' is in between 'K' and 'M' which shows the fans are not biased towards Koreans or Chinese members. To clarify this unspoken meaning, they had created the motto -
"We are one. We are EXO."
With their unified team work, they featured on many TV shows in China, Vietnam and Korea to promote themselves. They had completed this task very well as news of EXO exploded in the UK and America. EXO's good-looking features, ability to sing and outstanding dancing skills begged well-known UK online articles to write eye-catching headlines like "EXO, K-pop's New Boy Band, Is Even Dreamier Than One Direction". Yes! The one and only One Direction that grabbed the hearts of the girls in UK! You may have started to believe EXO as just an overrated boy band that got lucky with a couple of songs!

However, fortunately, that is not the case... EXO released two mind-blowing single albums 'OVERDOSE' and 'GROWL', in 2015 never disappointing their fans. They once again became the Number 1 searched on the Internet globally. Amidst all their stardom, the members themselves faced hardships within their group where 2 EXO-M members filed a lawsuit against S.M. Entertainment for the inequality between the two groups. Therefore, as of today EXO consists of 10 members. One Direction fans can relate but imagine the trauma for EXO-L when 2, not one, left. Thankfully, they are both doing well in their careers of solo singing and acting!
You might be wondering why the sudden blog about EXO when I, as part of EXO-L, have been supporting EXO since 2012 - since they were juniors (ranging from the age 17 to 21) learning tactics from their superiors like BigBang or Shinee(stay tuned to hear more about them). The main reasons are very obvious.

EXO has recently worked on their online show called 'EXO Next Door' which features EXO themselves and the typical love triangle with the girl living next door. This allowed every fan, aka me, to fantasise to being 'the girl' that EXO squabbles and aches over. They aired 16 episodes, with only 15 minutes maximum for each, and still gained the title "EXO Next Door Sets A New Record With More Than 50 Million views" by the well-known Yahoo news. But, shockingly, that is not the sole reason for this post.

EXO is planning a new album with 4 hit songs from EXODUS with 4 new songs! EXO-L is anticipating for this release on June 3rd, hoping they will receive EXO's promising best. Sadly enough, EXO-M is falling apart. With their new release, another EXO-M member has detached himself due to the reason of negligence for treatment which his father was displeased about. Therefore, he will not appear as of the new album, 'LOVE ME RIGHT'.
While EXO is working hard, an ex-member was asked to star in a Hollywood movie, 'The Great Wall', coming out in 2016 where he will act alongside Matt Damon! This is a big leap for him as a while ago he was starring as the male lead in a Chinese film in January 2015 called '20 Once Again'.
If you wish to meet these mysterious 12 members of EXO, just keep check for my following posts!